Sunday, March 15, 2009


I have always been one who believes the first post of a blog should give you a good idea if you would like to read more, so that is what I will try to do.

Since I can remember I have had a naturally heightened sense of curiosity. I have always had to know what was around that next corner or over the next hill. The enormity of cultural diverseness that exists in this world sets my mind ablaze. I see the ability to pursue this curiosity and experience some of these cultures as an enormous privilege. I believe that its one worth sharing.

I will start this blog by sharing some of the great places I have already been. I believe that a picture “is” worth a thousand words, but I don’t believe that a picture can replace words. For that reason this blog will likely include a spattering of both.

Currently I am preparing to travel to Nepal with my nursing class. I will leave in the 3rd week of April and live in Kathmandu and Pokhara for six weeks followed by 2weeks of trekking in the Himalaya with two friends.

This blog is being created to share past, present, and future travel and trekking experiences with my family, friends, and others who may be interested.

My plans after Nepal include; hiking Vancouver Island Spine this summer which; travelling to Nicaragua and/or back to Nepal next January; and hopefully travelling to somewhere in Africa within the next few years.

If you are interested in the nursing practice portion of my time in Nepal visit